When you give Lombardi Wines your credit or debit card details you are confirming that you are the card holder or have permission from the card holder to use the card on this website. For your own safety we reserve the right to contact your card issuer for the purposes of carrying out security checks.
We reserve the right to cancel any orders that cannot be fulfilled for any reason. If your order is cancelled we will contact you to explain why and refund any money you have paid us for that order.
You agree not to do the following while using the Lombardi Wines website: a) Intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable law or regulation or b) access, tamper with, or use nonpublic areas of the Lombardi Wines site or computer systems.
We take your privacy very seriously and will only pass your details on to 3rd parties when necessary to fulfill your order. See our Privacy Policy for complete details.
Lombardi Wines will give you any necessary notices by posting them on the Lombardi Wines site or by sending them to you by electronic mail. Lombardi Wines reserves the right to update these terms and conditions, with no notice to you, at any time.